Our Support Projects

NAVL intends to increase its resource base through startup projects like piggery, poultry, goat
rearing, food and cash crop growing. More still, NAVL will run a revolving fund through the parents’
Village Saving and Loans Association (VSLA). This will provide Business Development Services
(BDS) to parents of children at NAVL including access to quick and cheap credit, business skills
training, linkages to available opportunities and routine follow up.


These children’s special needs are countless and very costly. There is dire need for NAVL to create
sustainable sources of income that can supplement the program operational budget to sustainably
keep the organization running, in addition to the above-mentioned funding sources. Additionally,
because the children have to be transitioned back into the community, there is alarming need to
enhance the individual household income levels so the parents can be in a better position to cater for
their children. Furthermore, the children whose disability levels allow for empowerment, need an
avenue for vocational skilling which proficiencies they can use to earn an income on their own.


All these programs work in tandem with each other to strategically align with the global development
Agenda 2030 specifically through Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1: To end poverty in all its
forms everywhere.
Increased resources will culminate into better quality service delivery to the program beneficiaries at
organizational level. Increased household income will enable parents to provide better care to their
children. And overall, the sustainable nature of the project will curb on the organizational dependency
on external funding as well as parents’ reliance on NAVL for their children’s livelihood.