About Us

NAVL is a Community Based Organization (CBO) registered in Uganda whose mandate is :
Advocate for children with disabilities. NAVL was founded by Nakato Angella in 2014, driven by a passion to restore dignity to children with special needs and provide a safe space where they can live their life to the fullest and achieve their God-given potential.

NAVL is currently looking after 78 children with special needs including Spina bifida, Autism,
Cerebral palsy, Deaf, Epilepsy, physically handicapped, Hemiplegic, Down syndrome, Dumb and Micro cephalous. NAVL program areas include:

Program Relevance

NAVL sustainability project aims to facilitate the holistic care that children with special needs
deserve through boosting the organizational resources to run its programs. The program terrain covers key thematic areas of Health, Education, Spiritual nurturing, Economic empowerment and Balanced growth and development. All these programs work in tandem with each other to strategically align with the global development Agenda 2030 specifically through Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1: To end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Increased resources will culminate into better quality service delivery to the program beneficiaries at
organizational level. Increased household income will enable parents to provide better care to their
children. And overall, the sustainable nature of the project will curb on the organizational dependency
on external funding as well as parents’ reliance on NAVL for their children’s livelihood.

Children's Review (Complete details of all the children)

Project Activities

These include purchase of farm land at Busiika (25km from NAVL), crop growing (maize),
piggery farming (10 pigs) and a VSLA for NAVL parents.
Spiritual nurturing is at the core of every NAVL program. All the activities will be bed-rocked in fortnightly prayer and intercessory alters both with children and parents alternatively.
* There will be a weekly intercessory meeting for the designated organization intercessors.
* Weekly Sunday services and daily morning and evening prayer sessions will continue throughout.
*Once a month we will hold a general prayer meeting encapsulating the entire NAVL family (staff, children, parents, well- wishers) to encourage cohesion and one mindedness in Christ. Prayer and counselling support in the community at parents’ homes once a week (Wednesdays) and as need arises will be revamped with
availability of more funding to support field work.
The project expansion plan will include other crops like bananas, sweet potatoes, vegetables, beans
et al; more pigs, goats, cows and poultry. Future plans include expanding the project to accommodate
a vocational training center in various disciplines like agriculture, carpentry, crafts both for the
children and their parents.